Back to Basics: How to Celebrate Easter or Passover from Home
While Easter and Passover traditionally help usher in the spring season every year, this year is shaping up to look slightly different. The importance of these holidays to the Christian and Jewish faiths means that Easter and Passover celebrations will be happening in quarantine throughout Austin and much of the world.
Here are a few tips to celebrate these holidays this year:
Live Stream Services
Whether you put your kids in frilly dresses and suspenders or matching bunny pajamas, get cozy in front of your big screen and grab another cup of coffee. Church services have gone virtual! From Facebook to YouTube to live streaming, check out your local place of worship for viewing options this year.
Preparing for Passover
Many of you may be wondering how to best prepare for Passover this year with all the regulations in place, not to mention minimal ingredients and limited access to communal resources. Local Austin Rabbi Lev Baesh gives a lot of encouraging words for Austin area families who may need to get a little creative for the celebration next week. Whatever you do, don’t pass over Passover this year!
Click here to see what the Rabbi has to say.
Fun with Eggs
Just because the city-wide hunts are off, doesn’t mean you can’t have some egg-cellent fun at home with the kiddos. Dye eggs for Easter morning and hide the eggs out back for your little ones to find – social distancing can’t stop us from making memories this Easter Sunday. Target.com has a great selection of eggs, dye kits and various Easter crafts for the upcoming holiday weekend. With many stores offering Drive Up, you may not even have to hop out of the car!
Brunch, Anyone? No Problem
We have all seen the social media push to help support our local eateries and their associates during this time, and Easter brunch is no egg-ception. You can find a frequently updated list of take away and delivery options on do512.com. Be sure to grab a bottle of your favorite bubbly for mimosas or Rose to pair with your meal.
Connect with Family via Zoom for Easter or Your Seder Gathering
Because we are all looking out for the most vulnerable right now, some of our favorite people won’t be spending quality time with us during this season, but we can still connect. Set up a zoom meeting with your family and friends so you can share the smiles and coveted traditions from afar.
Click here for a great tutorial on setting up Zoom with loved ones!
Bluebonnet Pictures, a Timeless Texas Tradition
Bluebonnets arrived early this year, and there’s no better time to walk through the wild, open fields of our beloved bluebonnets than Easter Sunday. We all need a little (more) fresh air these days, especially when our new workspace is also the kids’ desk and the dinner table. Make time to step outside this Easter and enjoy this Texas tradition.
Whisper Valley wishes you a wonderful, if different than normal, Easter and Passover!